The ETNA is a new association for those who care about the area surrounding the intersection of Main Street and Gerrard Street East in Toronto.


We (a number of concerned people from both sides of Main Street, and north and south of Gerrard Street) got together in the months before Christmas and thought it would be a good idea if people came together to improve our small slice of heaven. There are three main reasons to do so, although, we hope others will come up with other good reasons to come together.


First, we wish to improve the streetscape along Main Street and Gerrard Street East, as they did in Beach Hill. They were able to get the city to install benches along a new sidewalk and repaved street! There are also improved tree planting wells, and now special little fences around them!

Second, we want to ensure we are ready for development. You’ve seen it happen on Queen Street and on Kingston Road….fights about over-development. We feel that development is not only and important good thing to have in a community, but also something which can be made better through consultations with the community, who know what the real needs are in the area. We want to be ready for when developers come knocking, so that we can encourage beautiful re-development which enhances the living experience in our area.

Third, we are hoping that we can increase the community feeling and spirit through social activities.


Look for our next post about our first meeting….